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Traditional Marketing

As a byproduct of providing IT support, I found myself increasingly being asked to assist in the creation of advertising material for individual loan officers.

Pamela Johnson's open house flier template created using Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel template of financing flier for distribution during open houses. This was a template I created and all the loan officer had to do to change it was copy-paste new images and/or update text. (click to enlarge)

With traditional loan volume drying up, loan officers had the desire to get out and market their services, they knew what they wanted to communicate but didn't know how to create fliers, brochures or other forms of advertising.

Because having loan officers get out and prospect for business was so important, I would actually spend nights and weekends creating the materials for them.

As a supply of personal marketing material was created for each loan officer, they then began wanting modifications to existing material and I would show them how to do it themselves using templates I had created.

The excel template to the right while simple, proved to be very effective and were distributed extensively.

A senior couple in front of their home seen through transparent paper advertising reverse mortage features
Typical limited run flier I created. (click to enlarge)

Realtors and builders (key referral sources) would often call in requesting a supply that they could distribute.

Ultimately, I created all manner of advertising material including product brochures, fliers, letters, postcards, business cards, letterhead, logos, signs, banners, Yellowpage and newspaper ads.

Because these materials were primarily intended to help a loan officer "get their foot in a door", my overall objective was to keep the material simple yet professional and for it to have a consistent look for branding purposes.

Some of these materials I created are described in the left sidebar.

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